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End of Season Dinner & Awards

End of Season Dinner & Awards

Chris Keogh4 Jun 2023 - 12:50
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Another fantastic evening celebrating a successful season for HRFC!

Thanks very much to everyone who attended the End of Season Dinner last night. Another fantastic and very enjoyable evening!

It was amazing to see so many old boys and we look forward to seeing more of you over the course of the season.

Big thanks once again to all the volunteers, spectators, friends and family who come along to support the club both on the touchlines and behind the scenes week in and week out. Your support is hugely appreciated by all! Thank you!

Conratulations to last night's winners, all thoroughly deserved:
2nd XV Top Try Scored - Callum Rocks
1st XV Top Try Score - Aidan Watkins
2nd XV Player of the Year - James Beale
1st XV Player of the Season - Jordan Bosi
Coach's Player of the Year - Harry Griffiths
Simon Dowle Club Person of the Year - Tom Bird
D*ck of the Season - Aidan Watkins

Big shout to Jordan Bosi for organising, Emir Hirji for bringing the tunes and to Cal Reynolds for sponsoring the awards!

Well done all!

Further reading